10 / 11 / 2019 Published by: EWF
FSW-Tech Final Conference
On the 30th October, EWF hosted the joint final conference for FSW-Tech and WOW projects “Apprenticeship in the EWF System & The FSW European Qualifications, where both projects were able to present the results achieved to a wide European audience.
On the FSW side, besides the overview of the project results, the question a lot of training centres do was answered: “How to implement European Training for FSW Technology?” by a presentation made by Susana Nogueira (EWF project manager), and the national vision of the project partners on the impact and sustainability of the results.
This conference represented the ending phase of the project, that has been running for two years.

09 / 11 / 2019 Published by: EWF
FSW-Tech Final Meeting
On the 29th October, FSW-Tech partners met in EWF venue in Oeiras, Portugal for the final meeting.
This meeting gave partners the chance to make the final adjustments to the outputs being finalised, but also to prepare the closing of the project.
Outputs 4 and 5 were the focus, dedicated to the National Implementation Guideline and to the European Recommendation Document, respectively.

10 / 05 / 2019 Published by: EWF
FSW-Tech project partners gathered in Oeiras for a Learning Activity
FSW-Tech project partners gathered in Oeiras for a Learning Activity.
It was one more step towards the availability of training for the Friction Stir Welding Personnel.

10 / 07 / 2018 Published by: EWF
FSW-Tech has tuned one year now!
On the 4th December, FSW-Tech consortium joined together for the third transnational meeting, in Timisoara, Romania.
It was a very productive meeting. A Training Guideline for qualification of FSW personnel will be launched early in 2019, due to the great efforts of the consortium partners!
The work developed by now was discussed as well as the plans for the second half of the project.
The consortium will meet again in May, in Portugal, this time for the FSW-Tech Learning Activity.

10 / 07 / 2018 Published by: EWF
FSW-Tech gives a step forward – Guidelines for Personnel Training
On June 4th and 5th the FSW-Tech consortium gathered together during the working session for the guideline development of the friction stir welding personnel. The working session was organised by EWF at their facilities.
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28 / 03 / 2018 Published by: EWF
FSW-Tech - Development of a Guideline for Friction Stir Welding Personnel
In the framework of the FSW-Tech Erasmus+ project, EWF is conducting a survey, targeting industrial companies, associations and public bodies that work in the Friction Stir Welding field.
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02 / 02 / 2018 Published by: EWF
FSW-Tech - Harmonised qualifications in Friction Stir Welding
Friction Stir Welding (FSW) technologies have a worldwide diffusion in several industrial sectors (rail, shipbuilding, automotive, aeronautics). For high-value applications, where high-performance joint properties are required, FSW has been widely adopted in aluminium fabrication.
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